3D Mouse
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Sunday, August 5, 2012
modo 601: A Landmark Release for Luxology
modo 601: A Landmark Release for Luxology
A lot of the focus of this release will be on the new Character Animation tools, but modo has had the ability to animate for years now, although there was no comprehensive toolset for character animation. modo 601 is the capstone to Luxology's slow and sure building up of the program's animation features. With the addition of Character Animation, which includes fast skeleton creation, a full body Inverse Kinematics solver and a very useful pose tool, modo 601 is now a full-featured animation package. Something I think indie 3D filmmakers (and many other artists) are going to be very interested in.
Pose Tool / Pose Space Sculpting – The Pose Tool allows you to create poses and positions with a model, without complex rigging. You can still sculpt the mesh as well. These two tools are extremely powerful in creating precise and correct character animation.
A lot of the focus of this release will be on the new Character Animation tools, but modo has had the ability to animate for years now, although there was no comprehensive toolset for character animation. modo 601 is the capstone to Luxology's slow and sure building up of the program's animation features. With the addition of Character Animation, which includes fast skeleton creation, a full body Inverse Kinematics solver and a very useful pose tool, modo 601 is now a full-featured animation package. Something I think indie 3D filmmakers (and many other artists) are going to be very interested in.
Pose Tool / Pose Space Sculpting – The Pose Tool allows you to create poses and positions with a model, without complex rigging. You can still sculpt the mesh as well. These two tools are extremely powerful in creating precise and correct character animation.
modo 601: Dragon Tamer
Short film made entirely with modo 601 by Richard Yot.
키워드 : Character Animation
Luxology 워크샵 공지에서 pose-space sculpting 언급된 부분
modo 601 and your pipeline
WORKSHOPS / Thursday, May 10, Raum Karlsruhe,12:00 - 13:00
Meilenstein Digital / Luxology
Andy Probst, Meilenstein Digital, Andy Brown, Luxology
... In this workshop, we will also delve into modo 601's animation tools in some detail. modo's unique layered deformation system will be explained alongside a more traditional joint-based animation workflow. As an experienced Maya instructor, Andy will offer insights into unique modo advantages such as pose-space sculpting, freedom to modify morph targets at any time, and complete control over order of operations. The goal is to help you understand the special opportunities for using modo in production and what the artist experience is in leveraging them.
키워드 : pose space deformation
WORKSHOPS / Thursday, May 10, Raum Karlsruhe,12:00 - 13:00
Meilenstein Digital / Luxology
Andy Probst, Meilenstein Digital, Andy Brown, Luxology
... In this workshop, we will also delve into modo 601's animation tools in some detail. modo's unique layered deformation system will be explained alongside a more traditional joint-based animation workflow. As an experienced Maya instructor, Andy will offer insights into unique modo advantages such as pose-space sculpting, freedom to modify morph targets at any time, and complete control over order of operations. The goal is to help you understand the special opportunities for using modo in production and what the artist experience is in leveraging them.
키워드 : pose space deformation
Articulation - hippydrome.com
pose space deformation 에 좋은 edge loop 및 paint weight 범위 등 정리
Pixar Character Technical Director 의 홈페이지
pose space deformation 에 좋은 edge loop 및 paint weight 범위 등 정리
Pixar Character Technical Director 의 홈페이지
Pose Space Deformation 와 비슷한 기능 (Blender)
Animators Wanted - "Pose Sculpt" Alpha Testing
The idea behind Pose Sculpting is that instead of having to select and transform bones one by one, axis by axis, parameter by parameter, we can use the brush-based sculpt techniques to do so instead.
The idea behind Pose Sculpting is that instead of having to select and transform bones one by one, axis by axis, parameter by parameter, we can use the brush-based sculpt techniques to do so instead.
pose space deformation in MODO
modo 601: Pose Space Sculpting
Joint Controlled Morphs Modo 601 to Zbrush 4 and back Video
키워드 : pose space deformation, corrective morph
검색어 : pose space deformation sculpt
미러 :
Joint Controlled Morphs Modo 601 to Zbrush 4 and back Video
키워드 : pose space deformation, corrective morph
검색어 : pose space deformation sculpt
미러 :
Pose based deformation in XSI
Pose based deformation
« on: January 29, 2006, 10:43:06 pm »
Hello all,
I have a question. Does XSI supports pose space deformation?
If you are not familiar with the term, it is the process of sculpting a corrective shape to geometry oriented by a bone, and this sculpting takes place in the pose space of the orientation.
For example you have an arm controlled by a bone, you rotate the bone at the elbow and at this pose you sculpt the biceps bulging. When you orient the bone in this pose the biceps will bulge.
I hope you can understand what I mean since English is not my native language!
Re: Pose based deformation
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2006, 10:59:18 pm » Reply with quote
Look up "Link with orientation" in the manuals
Re: Pose based deformation
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2006, 05:12:39 am » Reply with quote
The "Link with orientation" can do what you want.
However in XSI , this corrective shapes are happen in object space (in the shape modeling mode) instead of pose/joint space( after envelope). So technically it's not a pose space deformation. Hopefully XSI willl implement such a feature in future.
Re: Pose based deformation
I just watched the Ed Harriss video about XSI 5's shape manager ,http://www.edharriss.com/xsi/version5.htm
, and without knowing how to use XSI it gives me the impression that the problem of pose space deformation is solved. Can you verify?
« on: January 29, 2006, 10:43:06 pm »
Hello all,
I have a question. Does XSI supports pose space deformation?
If you are not familiar with the term, it is the process of sculpting a corrective shape to geometry oriented by a bone, and this sculpting takes place in the pose space of the orientation.
For example you have an arm controlled by a bone, you rotate the bone at the elbow and at this pose you sculpt the biceps bulging. When you orient the bone in this pose the biceps will bulge.
I hope you can understand what I mean since English is not my native language!
Re: Pose based deformation
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2006, 10:59:18 pm » Reply with quote
Look up "Link with orientation" in the manuals
Re: Pose based deformation
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2006, 05:12:39 am » Reply with quote
The "Link with orientation" can do what you want.
However in XSI , this corrective shapes are happen in object space (in the shape modeling mode) instead of pose/joint space( after envelope). So technically it's not a pose space deformation. Hopefully XSI willl implement such a feature in future.
Re: Pose based deformation
I just watched the Ed Harriss video about XSI 5's shape manager ,http://www.edharriss.com/xsi/version5.htm
, and without knowing how to use XSI it gives me the impression that the problem of pose space deformation is solved. Can you verify?
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Python Plugin 으로 Hello World 만들기
1. 다음 코드를 helloWorld.py 로 저장
2. helloWorld.py 를 MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH 에다가 넣어줌
(/Users/Shared/Autodesk/maya/2011/plug-ins 에다가 넣으면 됨)
3. 마야의 Plug-in Manager 에서 로드해주고
4. Script 창에서 helloWorld; 실행해주면 됨

출처 : 簡単なプラグイン | Python プラグイン
참고링크 :
Maya plug-in 관련 Link
미러 : Python Plugin Hello World.png
2. helloWorld.py 를 MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH 에다가 넣어줌
(/Users/Shared/Autodesk/maya/2011/plug-ins 에다가 넣으면 됨)
3. 마야의 Plug-in Manager 에서 로드해주고
4. Script 창에서 helloWorld; 실행해주면 됨

출처 : 簡単なプラグイン | Python プラグイン
참고링크 :
Maya plug-in 관련 Link
미러 : Python Plugin Hello World.png
script창에서 "getenv MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH" 해도 되고
Plug-in Manager 를 열어도 알 수 있다.
(메뉴 > Window > Settings / Preferences > Plug-in Manager)
default path 는 보통 다음과 같이 되어 있다. username이 hur일 경우
참고링크 : 마야의 환경변수 얻어내기
script창에서 "getenv MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH" 해도 되고
Plug-in Manager 를 열어도 알 수 있다.
(메뉴 > Window > Settings / Preferences > Plug-in Manager)
default path 는 보통 다음과 같이 되어 있다. username이 hur일 경우
참고링크 : 마야의 환경변수 얻어내기
마야의 환경변수 얻어내기
Setting and getting environment variables within Maya
환경변수는 getenv 로 얻어내면 된다.
환경변수는 putenv 로 넣어줄 수 있다.
MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH 는 Plug-in Manager 를 열면 알 수 있다.
(메뉴 > Window > Settings / Preferences > Plug-in Manager)
인용 : The Plug-in Manager uses the MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH environment variable to locate available plug-ins to load. (마야 Help > Developer Resources > API Guide > Maya API introduction > Loading a Plug-in)
출처 : User Guide > Environment Variables > Setting and getting environment variables within Maya
참고링크 : Maya.env 의 위치
환경변수는 getenv 로 얻어내면 된다.
환경변수는 putenv 로 넣어줄 수 있다.
MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH 는 Plug-in Manager 를 열면 알 수 있다.
(메뉴 > Window > Settings / Preferences > Plug-in Manager)
인용 : The Plug-in Manager uses the MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH environment variable to locate available plug-ins to load. (마야 Help > Developer Resources > API Guide > Maya API introduction > Loading a Plug-in)
출처 : User Guide > Environment Variables > Setting and getting environment variables within Maya
참고링크 : Maya.env 의 위치
Maya.env 의 위치
Mac OS X 에서는 다음과 같은 곳에 있다
인용 : To set environment variables in a Maya.env file
Maya 2013 Help File 링크
인용 : To set environment variables in a Maya.env file
drive:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\maya\version(Mac OS X)
drive:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\maya
/Users/username/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/version출처 : Help > User Guide > Environment Variables > Setting environment variables using Maya.env
Maya 2013 Help File 링크
Friday, August 3, 2012
Maya plug-in 관련 Link
Maya API Tutorial 관련
簡単なプラグイン | Python プラグイン → 잘됨
(미러:Python Plug-in - Hello World ( Maya Python - AA07).html)
Creating a Maya Plugin Tutorial (on a mac with xcode)
Writing Maya Plugins
Maya API Programming (by Chad Vernon)
Maya Python API Learning Example, inMesh -> outMesh
Maya Python API – Getting Mesh Data
Maya API docs demystified for Python users
Maya Python Notes
On MacOS, simply place a python plugin in /Users//Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/plug-ins/ . It is sadly somewhat undocumented, and may change from version to version, but it works great for Maya 2012. Once put there, the plugin will show up in the Window > Settings > Plugin Manager.
검색어 :
google > Maya API python tutorial
google > maya plugin manager scripted
google > OpenMaya python
google > OpenMaya python plugin
공식 레퍼런스
Autodesk Maya API Guide and Reference
Autodesk Developer Network
The Maya devkit/API is included in every Maya product/release.
키워드 : plugin, 플러그인
簡単なプラグイン | Python プラグイン → 잘됨
(미러:Python Plug-in - Hello World ( Maya Python - AA07).html)
Creating a Maya Plugin Tutorial (on a mac with xcode)
Writing Maya Plugins
Maya API Programming (by Chad Vernon)
Maya Python API Learning Example, inMesh -> outMesh
Maya Python API – Getting Mesh Data
Maya API docs demystified for Python users
Maya Python Notes
On MacOS, simply place a python plugin in /Users/
검색어 :
google > Maya API python tutorial
google > maya plugin manager scripted
google > OpenMaya python
google > OpenMaya python plugin
공식 레퍼런스
Autodesk Maya API Guide and Reference
Autodesk Developer Network
The Maya devkit/API is included in every Maya product/release.
키워드 : plugin, 플러그인
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